Smoldering Wick
JoinedPosts by Smoldering Wick
Post your pet pictures
by butalbee inokay, this is my cat, she is an african serval, and a lot of cat to handle.. fred: eat your heart out!
Smoldering Wick
Bee...that is an awesome cat! What an ADORABLE kitty! meow
I had to look up some info on that cat: -
Smoldering Wick
wow Prisca...we posted at the exact same time!
is this where I say pinch poke u owe me a coke? lol
Smoldering Wick
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2. Highlight the text. Press and hold down the ctrl key and press C for copy. Click in the message box and Press and hold down the ctrl ke and press V for paste.
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What did you look like in high school?
by butalbee inok, this is me, in my freshman yr. check out the hair.... .
Smoldering Wick
send money
[Cough] [Cough] I've got the flu
by Elsewhere inuggggg.
i feel awful.. "as every one knows, there are mistakes in the bible" - the watchtower, april 15, 1928, p. 126 .
believe in yourself, not mythology.. <x ><
Smoldering Wick
I'm very sorry to hear you are sick Elsewhere...
I've been sick once a week for the past three weeks! I hope you feel better soon!! Maybe we just need some fresh air, sunshine and a shot of tequila.
(((((((((((((Elsewhere)))))))))))) Get well soon!
Love Ya!
What did you look like in high school?
by butalbee inok, this is me, in my freshman yr. check out the hair.... .
Smoldering Wick goes again.
We had toga day @ school...didn't have a sheet so I wore my mom's tablecloth LOLbtw......TIM :::faints::: Speaking of sure improved with age!!!
What did you look like in high school?
by butalbee inok, this is me, in my freshman yr. check out the hair.... .
Smoldering Wick didn't work...oh well lol
Simon!!! hurry up and let us edit!! -
What did you look like in high school?
by butalbee inok, this is me, in my freshman yr. check out the hair.... .
Smoldering Wick I can't change my mind 2 minutes after I hit the Reply button???? I tried to pick one where I wouldn't be too recognizable. (the hair in my face helps lol)here goesssssss Graduation